This item is non-returnable due to its consumable nature. However, in an unlikely event of damaged, defective or incorrect item delivered to you, we will provide a full refund or a free replacement (whichever is applicable).
Please inform us within 24 hours of receipt of items in case of any discrepancy in the products. A refund or replacement shall be provided subject to an ascertainment of the damage or defect in the product(s) delivered.
All returns must be sent in a sealed pouch. Open pouches shall not be applicable for returns.
All refunds shall be made within seven working days from the date of receiving the products.
Within 3 working days from date of receipt of payment.
Contact Details and Shelflife
Shelf life mentioned on labels.
Country of origin - INDIA
Manufactured by - V R Organics, 5-5-249 Shivanagar, Station Bazar Road, Yadgir 585202.
FSSAI No 11223999000052
Customer care - 7738471911 / 8291439270
- Credit / Debit Cards
- Direct Bank Transfer
- Offline Payments
Baked snacks, chips, baked chips, sun dried vegetable powders, sprouted flours, millets, granola, millet granola